Episode 10 - The Healing Power of CBD (Dr. Junella Chin)

From a 10 month old baby with epilepsy to a 99 year old woman with pancreatic cancer; one of the world's most experienced medical cannabis physicians on using the "highless cannabis" for what ails you.

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I don’t believe in miracles but in many ways CBD (cannabidiol) is a miraculous molecule. It treats an estimated 105 illnesses – no other medicine on earth does that -- more effectively than allopathic meds and with NONE of the side effects. Anyone over 40 is familiar with one or all of the three illnesses it is most often prescribed for -- pain, stress and insomnia. I know just how effective it is—I use it for all of them.

At the same time, there is a lot of confusion/ignorance about what CBD (and medical marijuana in general) is. That’s because it’s unlike other medications. Doctors, who have no training in botanical meds, don’t understand it; the mainstream media takes it on sporadically but it’s more of a “gee whiz, isn’t this novel” subtext. They’re totally unaware of the serious research that is proving its efficacy and of the millions of people around the world using it with success. The thing is, it may not be mainstream right now, but it’s coming. I know.

This podcast, which was recorded live at The Alchemist’s Kitchen in New York City, features Dr. Junella Chin, an integrative family physician who specializes in treating children with intractable epilepsy, cancer, autism, and mental health conditions.

Dr. Chin, who is also a chronic pain survivor, studied at Cornell, Columbia and Harvard universities. She received her medical cannabis training in California, where she treated an estimated 12,000 patients with cannabinoids. This qualifies her as one of the most experienced medical cannabis doctors in the world. She and her family returned to her native New York several years ago to bring awareness to a state that is just beginning its medical cannabis program.

Joe Dolce